Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Most Common Birthday

What is the most common birthday?

We found several references to this question on the Web, all pointing to the same source: a survey of 12,576 Americans conducted by

Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star cite the study's finding of October 5 as the date the most people (in the U.S., anyway) are born. The 2001 report claims approximately 968,000 living Americans entered the world on that date. (The original web page announcing these results is no longer online, but we oh-so-cleverly queried the Internet Archive Wayback Machine and found it.)

So why October 5? Just a random date? Perhaps, but Anybirthday has a theory: To be born on this date, a baby would most likely have been conceived on New Year's Eve.

The survey also found May 22 to be the least common birthday.

Isn't it interesting that we don't know anyone born on October 5 or May 22.

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