Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sea Organ - Pipe Organ Played by the Sea

Thanks to the Sea Organ project, the inhabitants of Zadar have been restored once more to their relation with the sea. Chaotic reconstruction work undertaken in an attempt to repair the devastation Zadar suffered in the World War II turned much of the sea front into an unbroken, monotonous concrete wall. Now, the inviting white marble steps lead down to the water. Concealed under these steps, which both protect and invite, is a system of polyethylene tubes and a resonating cavity that turns the site into a huge musical instrument, played by the wind and the sea.
Sea OrganReflecting by the Sea Organ

The Sea Organ
The Sea Organ (morske orgulje) is seventy meters long with thirty-five organ pipes built under the concrete. The pipes are located so that the sea water and wind movements produce sounds that are heard by passers by so that it achieves a communication with nature and promotes a unity of architecture and environment. As sea forces and energies are unpredictable in terms of tides and winds, this organ offers never-ending concert of numerous music variations in which the performer is nature itself.
The popular Sea Organ in Zadar, Croatia

Listen to some sounds of the Sea Organ

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