Monday, May 07, 2007

Spiders found in ear of boy with earache

Jesse CourtneyA 9-year-old boy who complained of an earache was a little surprised when the doctor told him that a pair of spiders had tried to make a home out of him.

"They were walking on my eardrums," said Jesse Courtney. His mother, Diane Courtney, said her son insisted he kept hearing a faint popping in his ear -- "like Rice Krispies" -- before the earache sent them to the doctor.

Dr. David Irvine said it looked like the boy had something in his ear when he examined him, but he could not immediately identify it. So he irrigated the ear, and the first spider came out, dead.

The other spider took a second dousing before it emerged, still alive. Both were about the size of a pencil eraser. Irvine said it was a first for him as a physician.

Jesse was given the spiders -- now both dead -- as a souvenir.

via KGW

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They entered there when he was asleep, and he never felt, never washed, there was no bath who could take the spider out. There's a comics persons here in Brazil, a dirty boy named Cascão, but this one has overcame.