Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fascinating Art Installations

Ice Sculptures of Melting Men:

Azevedo's Ice Sculptures of Melting Men
Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo created hundreds of sitting figures out of ice. The installation lasted till the last one melted in the heat of the day.

Havel's Tunnel House:

Houston artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck turned them into an art installation known as ‘Inversion.’ Using boards from the outside of the houses they created a large funnel-like vortex running between the two that ends in a small hole in an adjacent courtyard. It’s a cool effect particularly for those who always wanted to experience a black hole without the whole ‘being crushed to a quantum singularity’ end result.

Dougherty's Branchworks:

Dougherty's Branchworks
Artist Patrick Dougherty makes fantastic sculptures and huts from saplings, branches, and twigs. This one above is called the Na Hale ‘o waiai, Hawaiian for "Wild dwellings built from strawberry guava."


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