Thursday, October 04, 2007

Mammoth Find for Tiny Dog

A miniature dachshund out for a walk on a beach found a bone which turned out to be part of a woolly mammoth's leg.

Daisy spotted the fossilized remains sticking out of a beach near the low tide mark, reports the Daily Mirror.

Her owner Dennis Smith said: "Daisy just stood staring at it so I went over to see what it was. She looked quite pleased with herself."

The retired turf salesman, 69, from Witham, Essex, showed the 13ins find to a geologist who identified it as part of a two million year old giant woolly mammoth.

The 8lb section of leg is believed to have lain hidden at Dunwich, Suffolk, for centuries until uncovered by storms.

Woolly mammoths were 14ft tall and weighed up to eight tons. They died out 11,000 years ago.

via Ananova

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